Bike Tour Malpaso - Charco Azul
On this tour, you’ll be able to enjoy some of the best sceneries in the island! Biking down one of the hilltops of El Hierro to the coast is one of the best activities you can do. This route goes through some of the best sights like Malpaso, the highest point of the island that will offer you an spectacular view of the island; then you'll bike through Caminos del Canal, Artero for finally arriving to the fantastic Charco Azul, a natural product molded by volcanic material that will delight you with its beautiful turquoise waters.
Distance: 14.2 km
Duration 2.30 h
Difficulty: Low
Experience organized by a local activity

Ya He Aventuras El Hierro
Calle Santiago 19, 38900 Villa de Valverde, Spain
@: yaheaventuraselhierro@gmail.com
T: +39 +34 639 03 99 46